As an educator and aspiring instructional designer, I am obligated to keep pace with advancements in technology, current trends, and best practices in the educational field. I want to grow and developed, not just personally, but professionally so that I can impact positively the learners in my care. It is therefore my intention to add the following networking sites to my PLNs as part of my development:
1. Elearning Industry -
2. -
3. Teacher Chanel -
Goals of adding Additional Sites
The goals of adding these additional sites to my PLN are:
- to obtain practical and current classroom strategies to help my students grow.
- to share ideas and reflect on practice.
- to connect and collaborate with educators and form professional learning communities.
- to gain knowledge from experts through scholarly work.
- to add to my educator’s portfolio
To attain the goals previously mentioned, I will participate in these networks by reading and sharing ideas in blog posts, attending webinars on specific topics of interest, and using them as a source to obtain relevant content and resources that can assist me in the duration of my studies.